
Showing posts from 2020

in spite of our desire

inside my inside

fluid in perpetuity

weekend interlude 7

touch + tell

retain the passing

into vacuity

religious precision

ripple distinctly

weekend interlude 6

an inverted world

overhead | underfoot

within a woman

in her full flower


hand on the bible

weekend interlude 5

tell it to me twice

tell me once again

silence for awhile

like and love and leave

weekend interlude 4

a flawless weave

marking the margin


poems, like apples

a place to call home

weekend interlude 3

thanksgiving prayer

then my soul takes wing

a unique pain

so golden

weekend interlude 2

a woman's young love

a woman hops in


stringing you along

a woman's tone

a pale, stately grace

furtive strangers

regulate your face

happy halloween

another way of doing things

your girl's bright smile

while I am praying